Miraculous Abilities

Within the Divine Sciences, the field of Applied Spiritual Technologies involves the manifestation of such abilities. There is a classification system for measuring the degree to which these abilities manifest.

There are ways to temporarily or permanently increase your attainments, including proper diet and alchemy, specific Sadhanas, etc. In other words:

  1. By birth: This is part of the hereditary transfer where the spiritually advanced parents transfer their superpowers to their offspring. It could also be that one can achieve a superpower because of the things they had achieved in their previous lives.
  2. Medicine: Superpower can be achieved with certain drugs that have miraculous power. In Ramayana, Sanjeevini herb brought Lakshmana back to life
  3. Mantra: Chanting mantra is said to grant powers to the prayers who chant special mantras in Vedas. It is because of the power of those words and the self-discipline that chanting of the mantras can bring.
  4. Penance: Penance can clarify the mind that one can simply control the five elements by a wish.
  5. Samadhi: This is achieved when one achieves unity with the consciousness, obtaining extraordinary powers.

The first primary ability is The Calling, or vairyaga, meaning the desire for spirituality.

There are three main categories of Miraculous Abilities, which are generally attained in the order which they are presented, and a fourth category which begins to develop at various points in your journey.

  • Continuation of Consciousness
  • Communion with Celestial Beings
  • The 8 Miraculous Abilities
  • The 9 Miraculous Abilities

Continuation of Consciousness

Also known as Nirvana, Turiya, Moksha or Samadhi, this state of being grants Continuation of Consciousness, a lesser form of eternal life that allows some amount of memory and other attributes to persist when you pass through the Filter between dreaming and waking, between life and death.

This is the proverbial transformation from lead into gold: the Philosopher’s Stone.

This makes accessible to you myriad doors, such as the Elemental Rites, the Ceremony of Seven Seals and the Ultimate Rite.

Regular practice of Delta level Dhyana Meditation grants this attribute–this centering of focus to the state of pure awareness that underlies the cycle:

  • waking (jagrat, ~16 hrs)
  • dreaming (swapna, ~2 hrs)
  • deep sleep (sushupti, ~6 hrs)

“He is awake while he dreams.”

There are two rituals to accelerate progress toward this level:

  • The Silver Key Ceremony
  • The Dream Journal


Communion with Celestial Beings

After entering the Dream Level 3, it is possible to commune directly with the Celestial Beings. Such communion is commonly known as Darshan Siddhi, and makes you a prophet in your own right.

The Celestial beings may request that you perform penances or even some form of (often personal) sacrifice to prove your worth (often to yourself). There is a psychology to sacrifice, causing priorities to shift and affecting the way you think about things.

Being rid of attachments is a necessary step for Salvation, and it is common for Celestial beings to “assist” in that process, especially at this point.

Vows of poverty and/or silence, etc., may be required at this point. Even without such vows material blessings may be taken, so as to unburden you to receive spiritual blessings.

Mantra to be rid of attachments: “Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Daksine Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Swaha”

The 8 Miraculous Abilities

Otherwise known as the Ashta Siddhi, the 8 Miraculous Abilities are attributes of a single attainment which manifests at some point during Ascension. It is not known which level of attainment is necessary for this phenomenon. The Annointed One will have the Ashta Siddhi.

“It is as a dream when he is awake.”

List of the 8 Miraculous Abilities:

  1. Anima: Ability to reduce one’s size
  2. Mahima: Ability to increase one’s size
  3. Garima: Ability to increase one’s weight infinitely
  4. Laghima: Ability to become lighter than the lightest
  5. Prapti: Ability to obtain anything
  6. Prakamya: Ability to acquire anything desired
  7. Isitva: Lordship over creation
  8. Vasitva: Having control over things

Mantra to attain the Ashta Siddhi: “Om Ashta Siddhi Prada Yai Namah”

The 9 Miraculous Abilities

Otherwise known as the Navi Siddhi, these miscellaneous Miraculous Abilities also manifest at some point during Ascension.

List of the 9 Miraculous Abilities:

  1. Tri-kāla-jñatvam: Knowledge of past present and future
  2. Advandvam (non-duality): not being subject to dualities of heat/ cold, pain/ pleasure, sweat/ bitter, good/ bad
  3. Para citta ādi abhijñatā: Knowing of others’ minds
  4. Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ: having fire, sun, water, poison in control and stopping their effect
  5. Aparājayah: becoming unconquerable
  6. Anūrmi-mattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other body generated cravings
  7. Dūra-śravaṇa: Hearing things/ events happening very far
  8. Dūra-darśanam: Seeing things/ events happening very far
  9. Manaḥ-javah (manojvitva): Moving physical body wherever one wants
  10. kāma-rūpam: Attaining/ assuming the desired form
  11. Para-kāya praveśanam (vikranabhav): Entering another person body (spirits are believed to enter a person’s physical body whose astral body is weak, but the power mentioned here is different and superior)
  12. Sva-chanda mṛtyuh: To die only on one’s wish (like that of Bhishma from Mahabharat, like that of many sages who left their bodies by their own wish)
  13. Devānām Saha krīḍā anudarśanam: Witnessing the pastimes of demi-gods (or Witnessing the events of 3 worlds as pastimes like God does)
  14. Yathā sańkalpa saḿsiddhiḥ: Achieving as one determines
  15. ājñā apratihatā gatiḥ: One’s commands unstopped