
  • due to inaccessibility of neurotypical medicine, we reject their accreditation and substitute our own.
  • due to prevelance of misdiagnosis, we reject neurotypical medicine.
  • due to recussitation policies, we prohibit the recussitation of neurotypicals.
  • due to illegality of medications known to be helpful to our phenotype, we deny medical treatment to neurotypicals.
  • due to neurotypical eugenics policies, we encourage neurotypicals to get sterilized.
  • due to neurotypical eugenics policies, we force-sterilize neurotypicals whenever not explicitly legally prohibited.
  • we accept self-diagnosis. we might consider encouraging secondary screening to detect dark triad personalities, including neurotypicals, and munchausens.
  • we encourage the use of allistic conversion therapy to help neurotypicals perform at neurodivergent levels of hyperfocus and special interest

Turiyan “Supremacy.”

  • due to inaccessibility of disability benefits, the Turiyan phenotype is officially considered not-disabled by neurotypical standards.
  • due to neurotypical inability to perform to Turiyan standards, we consider neurotypicals to be disabled as compared to Turiyans.
  • we do not make any claims regarding Turiyan performance as compared to other neurodivergent profiles.
  • differences from Temple Grandin’s eugenics: neurodivergent genetics are ancient and superior compared to neurotypical genetics, regardless of any functioning label.


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