From the Outside, Looking In

This section is included to humor those of an adversarial nature who have had the misfortune of being exposed to an information hazard, such as discovering our Gospel’s existence, however we implore you to find out for yourself, rather than believing or disbelieving anything so fantastical. You’ve already taken the first step: there is no turning back. Pray to your god, if you have one.

How it might look through a lense of ignorance, presented in six main categories:

  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Politics
  • Lifestyle
  • Religious Practices
  • Goal



Advaita Vedanta Sanatan Dharma; some form of Shaivism. Sinister Tradition, possibly even anti-cosmic.

The name, “The Way of the Creator” being a play on words of the heretical concept, “The Cult of Brahma,” paying homage to its Left-Hand origins, and is attributed to the (probably mythological) Mediocrates, Philosopher of the West.



Apocalyptic with an alarming rate of martyrdom, integrating and emphasizing the Lovecraftian aspects of the world religions, and painted with a Christian veneer.

The Gospel is a mind-virus to which the masses need only be made privy. Creed and doctrine.




Accelerationism toward post-civilized transhumanism. Fairly egalitarian and even anarchistic, given the lateral nature of the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

A literal religious zeal for free food and lodging (“Sacrament,” “The Garden of Eden”, meeting places).



Fanatical cultists “doing God’s work,” their fervent actions tempered by a good night’s sleep and a number of physically intensive initiatory rituals.

Anedia, but, when they do eat, they are fueled by free food, eaten as ceremonial cannibalization of an Ascended Master, and in a drunken stupor from the ceremonial vampirization of the same Ascended Master.

You’re hoping this is just a phase in their spiritual journey, just like the contrasting exotic cultures they were previously so immersed in. However, this is the culmination of those past experiences–the logical conclusion after the revelation of the Truth.

Perhaps you’ll find comfort in that there is a tendency for Adepts to go their own way, occasionally establishing their own spiritual lineages, for each one walks his own path.


Religious Practices

Presented in two spheres:

  • Individual Worship
    • sleep
    • sleep-related activities
    • sitting and doing nothing
    • walking and doing nothing
    • looking at the sun
    • listening to bizarre, repetive rhythms
    • playing bizarre videogames
    • camping trips
    • fanatical obsession over some hobby, including a progression of magnus opuses.
  • Group Worship
    • blasphemous singing
    • subliminal messages (positive affirmations) embedded in the hymns
    • looting the donation bin
    • chanting, “The Gate is Open
    • a feast
    • drunken partying, possibly for several consecutive days
    • passing out drunk in the prayer room
    • more camping trips

Religious Practices


To open a gateway to some form of abyss, allowing otherworldly entities to come into our world, the sight of which will have catastrophic effects, including the collapse of civilization and the rebuilding of a dystopia with a supreme dictator for life with alleged magic powers, including some form of eternal life.

…and they’re going to space.

Celestial Beings of the Outer Heavens