How to integrate Maven and Github, the right way:

Create your git repo

git clone --recursive<USER>/<REPO>.git cd <REPO>

pom.xml: ``` scm:git:${repo.user}/${}.git-->${repo.user}/${} scm:git:ssh://${repo.user}/${}.git scm:git:ssh://${repo.user}/${}.git HEAD

internal.repo Temporary Staging Repository file://${}/mvn-repo github GitHub${repo.user}/${} false default gh-pages Github scm:git:ssh://${repo.user}/${}.git true org.apache.maven.plugins maven-deploy-plugin ${maven-deploy-plugin.version} internal.repo::default::file://${}/mvn-repo


Now, this should work: mvn clean compile site:{site,stage,deploy} && mvn clean compile deploy && mvn -e -X release:{clean,prepare,perform}

Next, go to the child pom, delete everything, including the parent pom project, and switch to a programming language that works.

Note: if you’re still using Maven, write a letter to Apache informing them that they should stop releasing broken code, then repeat the previous step, except more thoroughly.

I’m in the top 5% of Maven/Java users, according to the LinkedIn assessment, and this is my professional opinion. This technology is just way more expensive than others, because of the required man-hours and the high salary demanded by the skill. Even simple little things take inordinantly long. Instead of changes in minutes, it could be changes in weeks or months.

Instead of Maven+Java, use:

  • C can be setup with autotools or cmake, doxygen, etc., though its free artifact repositories are lacking.
  • Python can be setup with setuptools, sphinx-dox and friends, and released on pypi.

And these two alternatives can be used together in mash-ups. They’re cheap, easy and fast. They’re solutions for people who aren’t billionaires. I’m also in the top 5% of C and Python users.

You can also save time and money by switching your LAMP stack from:

  • Apache web server to Lighttpd or Nginx, etc.
  • Oracle MySQL or MariaDB to PostgreSQL
  • PHP to literally anything else

The moral of this story is that Apache, Oracle, etc., products don’t align with our business needs quite nearly as well as their myriad alternatives.

Enjoy your new BSD+Nginx+PostgreSQL+django server, monetary savings and faster turn-around time.

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