A number of stoic exercises are included to temper the spiritual lives of the congregation. Although some of these practices do not directly cause progress in the Great Work, they can strengthen the will and improve morale during its undertaking.
- gratitude journal
- negative visualization
- adversarial praxis
- reflection on the day’s events
- momento mori
- cosmic perspective
- amor fati
Gratitude Journal
Acknowledging your blessings directly assists in the alchemical process.
This exercise is usually completed figuratively, rather than literally, after the Sacrament during the regular religious services
Negative Visualization
Imagining your life without one or more of your current blessings assists in inducing gratitude.
Adversarial Praxis
Behaving contrarily to the social norms for alchemical purposes.
Momento Mori
Keeping in mind one’s mortality, especially with respect to our cosmology.
Cosmic Perspective
Keeping in mind the “grand scheme of things;” the Divine Plan.
Amor Fati
Mindfulness; being in the present.