Note: While this alternative approach may offer potential benefits for neurodivergent individuals, it is important to consult with medical professionals and consider individual needs and conditions when implementing any changes to hygiene practices.

Here’s an extended explanation of our approach, its pros and cons, and its scientific foundation, using accessible language:

  • Use of Dirt, Vinegar, and Sunlight: Our rewilding/feral faction, while removed from mainstream society, adopts a different method for hygiene. Instead of relying on commercial soaps and hygiene products, we utilize natural elements like dirt, vinegar, and sunlight. For instance, when washing clothes, we saturate them in dirt, rinse with vinegar, and then dry them under the sun. This approach adheres to the belief that these natural elements can effectively cleanse and sanitize without relying on artificial chemicals.

  • Utilizing Fermentation as a Purification Method: Living in a perpetual “survival” situation, there may be instances when we encounter “questionable” foods. To address this, we employ the use of fermentation. Through the cultivation of active cultures, similar to those used in vinegar production, we utilize these cultures to “purify” the questionable foods before consumption. This traditional fermentation process has been observed to enhance food safety by promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms that can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

  • Repelling Parasites: Another aspect of our hygienic practices involves addressing parasites such as lice and mosquitos. We have discovered that incorporating wild garlic into our diets can deter these bugs. Wild garlic grows abundantly and by consuming significant amounts of it, we find ourselves less susceptible and attractive to such pests. This contradicts the common notion that lice prefer dirty hair, as our experiences demonstrate that maintaining the right diet can significantly reduce infestations.

Scientific Basis:

  • Microbial Parallel: Our approach shares parallels with best practices in western medicine. Just as it is recommended to replenish the microbiome with probiotics after finishing a course of antibiotics, we seek to create a balanced and diverse microbiome in our living spaces by promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms through natural practices.

  • Preserving a Healthier Microbiome: Scientific research highlights the significance of maintaining a healthy microbiome, which comprises beneficial microbes that support our immune system and overall well-being. Our practices, such as using natural elements like dirt, vinegar, and sunlight, contribute to preserving a healthier microbiome by avoiding excessive use of disinfectants and nurturing a diverse microbial environment.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Our approach offers an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to conventional hygiene practices. By utilizing natural elements and fermentation, we can maintain cleanliness and promote a balanced microbiome. Additionally, our techniques for repelling parasites are derived from practical observations and align with the indigenous knowledge that has been passed down through generations.

  • Cons: It is crucial to strike a balance and address potential challenges. While our practices have proven effective within our order, it is important to consider individual health conditions, regional factors, and specific hygiene requirements that may necessitate additional precautions or adaptations.

The variance in wild strains used in fermentation and individual sensitivities can make it challenging for some individuals to incorporate fermented products into their hygiene routine. It’s crucial to recognize and respect these sensitivities and provide alternative options for those who might not find this aspect suitable for their needs.

In terms of the overall approach, it is plausible that it could lower the barrier to hygiene for individuals with sensory issues. For example, using dirt instead of cold water may be more tolerable for some individuals who are sensitive to temperature extremes. Similarly, avoiding strong fragrances, except for the vinegar, which can be neutralized by sunlight and fresh air, can be beneficial for those with sensitivities to strong smells.

By offering alternative methods rooted in natural elements and focusing on sensory-friendly practices, individuals with sensory issues may find it more accessible and comfortable to engage in personal hygiene routines. It promotes a more gentle and sensory-sensitive approach, potentially easing the challenges they may face with traditional hygiene standards that often involve stronger fragrances and sensory triggers.

However, it is essential to remember that everyone’s sensory needs and preferences can vary greatly. It is crucial to approach this alternative hygiene approach with flexibility, understanding, and a willingness to adapt to individual requirements and sensitivities. Consulting with professionals and considering personalized accommodations would be beneficial in tailoring the approach to suit the specific needs of neurodivergent individuals and address any potential barriers.

In conclusion, our order’s approach to hygiene emphasizes a sustainable and balanced perspective. By using natural elements, fermentation as a purification method, and repelling parasites through dietary means, we strive to maintain a healthier microbiome, prevent infections, and support overall well-being. While cleanliness remains important, our approach offers an alternative rooted in ancestral wisdom and supported by scientific understanding.


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