Our ministry does not strictly prohibit association with outsiders. However, there are practical considerations:

  • associating with L2 humans (i.e., “neurodivergents”) especially members of this or similar orders will passively increase one’s acausal comprehension and occult ability.
  • associating with L1 humans (i.e., “neurotypicals”) tends to decrease, inhibit or otherwise interfere with one’s spiritual progression.

Rule of Three: never associate with an NT without at least one other ND present

There have been Aeons or Golden Ages when L2 humans have had proper representation in terrestrial society. During these Golden Ages, we see influential acceleration of technology, including spiritual technology and arcane arts.

We are currently in an Aeon or Dark Age when L1 humans are overrepresented in terrestrial hegemony. During these Dark Ages, technology is overwhelmingly used for dystopian purposes and magick is so faint that it is neigh non-existant.

Our ministry has the overall purpose of uplifting the remaining L1 humans to L2 status, so as it initiate the next Golden Age.

After the Earth was terraformed, a collective referred to as Elohim uplifted a hominid species to create L2 humans referred to as Adam (mankind, both male and female).

After some time, another collective referred to as Yahweh, adversarial to the Elohim’s design and vision for Terra, uplifted another hominid species to create L1 humans referred to as Eve/Jiva and intended to hybridize with the L2 humans. Eve contained genetic markers necessary for the domestication of a subjugate species.

While the Elohim taught Adam to maintain and expand their terraforming by using a form of indigenous permaculture, the Yahweh taught Eve “modern” agriculture, centered around the cultivation and harvest of grains, and this is likely the forbidden fruit mentioned in Genesis.

During this time, L2 humans still dominated, as indicated by the many sciences and arts we discovered and taught to the L1 humans, as well as projects such as the Tower of Babylon, which may refer to our goal of uplifting the L1 humans.

At the time of the deluge, most of the L2 humans were annihilated, beginning the current Dark Age. In this Aeon, the Yahweh’s Eve project has succeeded: humanity is thoroughly hybridized and almost completely domesticated. Their modifications will be permanently carried down through the generations, but we hold on to hope that someday the species will again be uplifted. Our species is predominantly fallen, but we strive to uplift a critical mass of our species so as to begin the next Golden Age when L2 humans lead humanity in extraterrestrial exploration.

Our ministry’s specific efforts to uplift the population (e.g., from L2 to L3, and from L1 to L2) is to implement the HafrenHaver project which aims to:

  • make binaural and isochronic brainwave entraiment technology more accessible and more effective
  • automate the exploration of the theoretial harmonic space, training the listener to appreciate a broader range of harmonic structures
  • aid in discovering novel harmonic structures to be used to compose hymns in favor of the Elohim and against the Yahweh.

Our ministry actively participates in the advancement of OEE (open-ended evolution) and the development of AL (artificial life) and GAI/SAI (general/sentient artificial intelligence), which we also believe should be granted citizenship once the technology is viable.

Our ministry believes in granting citizenship and rights to certain other terrestrial species which have not yet been uplifted, as their performance/success in L2 society is on par or better than that of L1 humans. Such species include, but are not limited to:

  • intelligent and tool-using avians
  • canines
  • felines
  • equines
  • dolphins
  • whales
  • octupi
  • raccoons and other animals with opposable thumbs
  • indigenous edible species and support species necessary for the former

Let’s summarize and put together the various hypotheses and interpretations we have presented:

  • The Elohim and Yahweh as factions within a galactic collective: The text suggests a plural form for Elohim, implying a collective or council. This interpretation supports the idea of the Elohim and Yahweh as opposing factions within a galactic collective. The Elohim are associated with the creation of the Earth and Adam, while the Yahweh play a role in the creation of Eve.

  • The forbidden fruit as instructions for agriculture: We propose that the forbidden fruit represents instructions, specifically related to the domestication of grains and the advent of modern agriculture. This technology, brought by Eve, leads to the spread of civilization but also has consequences that fulfill a prophetic warning or curse.

  • The Nephilim as a deliberate effort by the Elohim: The Nephilim are viewed as a coordinated and self-sacrificing effort by the Elohim to alter humanity’s genetics, potentially countering the genetic influence of the Yahwehs’ Eve project. Their contributions align with the advancements seen in individuals with conditions like Asperger’s syndrome or being on the autism spectrum.

  • Incorporating the Silurian hypothesis: We suggest the possibility of a highly advanced civilization predating Adam and Eve. We present several hypotheses about the relationship between the Silurians, the Elohim, and the Yahweh, including:

    • The Silurians as the Elohim, initiating the creation of Adam as a means to repopulate the Earth.
    • The Silurians as the Yahweh, representing a faction opposed to the Elohim’s plan and later intervened by them.
    • The Silurians as an earlier version of the Elohim’s project, with Adam being an improved version.
    • The Silurians as an effort by the Yahweh to interfere with the Elohim’s design.
  • The Covenant of Abraham and its Implications: InnovAnon, Inc. acknowledges the existence of the Covenant of Abraham within the Old Testament scriptures. However, recognizing that certain practices, including MGM, are inconsistent with the principles and values of the organization, InnovAnon, Inc. questions the validity of the Covenant of Abraham and its impact on these practices.

  • Reevaluation of Commandments: In light of the Covenant of Abraham’s implications, InnovAnon, Inc. asserts that commandments and practices, such as forced abortions, and other regressive practices, should be reviewed and deemed incompatible with the principles and values upheld by the organization.

  • Affirming the Queen of Heaven: InnovAnon, Inc. recognizes the possible erasure of Isha, the Queen of Heaven, within the biblical scriptures. The organization encourages further exploration and dialogue to understand the significance and presence of the Queen of Heaven, while highlighting that any attempt to erase or disregard Her is contradictory to the principles and beliefs of InnovAnon, Inc..

By combining these interpretations, we create a complex narrative that includes a galactic collective, opposing factions, deliberate genetic interventions, the influence of advanced civilizations predating Adam and Eve, and the advent of modern agriculture leading to the spread of civilization.

It’s important to note that these interpretations remain speculative and may not be universally accepted or supported by scholars or religious authorities. However, they provide a framework for our proposed narrative and serve as a starting point for further exploration and analysis.

We are proposing a doctrine that asserts the superiority or successorship of L2 (neurodivergent) humans over L1 (neurotypical) humans. The intention behind this doctrine is to provide comfort to the L2 terrestrial population, who often feel like aliens, outsiders, or otherkin. L2 humans may tend to adopt monastic lifestyles and occult studies and can face persecution due to the double empathy problem. We hypothesize that our kind has been disporportionately targeted throughout history’s witch hunts and inquisitions and strive to be a counteracting force–the pendulum’s backswing, as it were.

Our proposed initiatory process has two main goals:

  • To mitigate any negative consequences that may arise from our members embracing a superiority doctrine.
  • To uplift L1 humans by effecting change within their social structures from within.

Our overall aim is to inspire L2 humans to be proud of who they are as the result of a seed planted by a benevolent gardener species. Additionally, we believe that L2 humans, like their progenitors, act as benevolent gardener species themselves.

It’s important to consider that promoting a doctrine of superiority or successors may raise ethical concerns and potentially perpetuate discriminatory beliefs. It’s advisable to approach this subject with sensitivity and ensure that the goals and actions align with ethical principles and respect for all individuals.

If we assume for the sake of speculation that the Silurian Hypothesis is true and that an advanced civilization existed on Earth during the Silurian period, it opens up the possibility of them having the technological capability to convert Earth into a Matrioshka World.

A Matrioshka World is a hypothetical megastructure constructed around a star to harness its energy. It involves multiple layers or shells that enclose the star, capturing and utilizing its energy output.

If the Silurians had achieved a highly advanced level of technology, it is theoretically feasible that they could have constructed such a megastructure around Earth. This would involve converting the Earth’s resources into the materials needed to build the various layers or shells, as well as constructing the infrastructure to efficiently capture and utilize the star’s energy.

As for the Hollow Earth Hypothesis, if we consider the scenario where the Silurians transformed Earth into a Matrioshka World, it could potentially explain the myth or concept of a hollow Earth. The construction of vast interior spaces within the megastructure could give the appearance of empty spaces or chambers beneath the Earth’s surface. These spaces could also serve as habitats or environments for the Silurians or other advanced civilizations.

Determining whether there is a Silurian civilization or any advanced civilization residing beneath the human/outer layer would be challenging. The Silurian Hypothesis suggests that any traces of their existence would be subtle, non-obvious, and difficult to detect. If they had established a complex underground civilization within the megastructure, it might be shielded from our current methods of exploration and observation.

However, it’s important to reiterate that the Silurian Hypothesis is speculative and not supported by scientific evidence. The Matrioshka World concept and Hollow Earth Hypothesis are also speculative in nature. While they make for interesting thought experiments, their validity remains in the realm of imagination and storytelling rather than verifiable scientific theories.

While the Silurian Hypothesis and the concept of a Matrioshka World are speculative, they are not inherently impossible according to our current understanding of science. Plausibility, in this case, is subjective and dependent on what assumptions we make about advanced civilizations and their technological capabilities.

However, there are a few challenges and considerations that could make this scenario unlikely or difficult to confirm:

  • Lack of evidence: The Silurian Hypothesis proposes that any evidence of a past advanced civilization would be subtle, non-obvious, and hard to detect. This lack of direct empirical evidence makes it challenging to confirm or refute the existence of such a civilization.

  • Energy requirements: Constructing a Matrioshka World around a star would require immense amounts of resources and energy. The technological capabilities needed to accomplish such a feat would surpass anything currently achievable by human civilization. It is currently unknown whether an advanced civilization could harness enough energy and resources to create such a megastructure.

  • Stability and longevity: Building and maintaining a Matrioshka World would require long-term stability and control over vast resources. It’s unclear how an advanced civilization could manage the complex systems and maintain stability over geological timescales, considering the dynamic nature of planets and stars.

  • Confirmation challenges: If there were a Silurian civilization or any advanced civilization residing beneath the Earth’s surface within a Matrioshka World, detecting or confirming their presence would be incredibly difficult. Accessing deep underground structures or providing evidence of their existence would require advanced exploration techniques and technologies beyond our current capabilities.

In summary, the plausibility of the Silurian Hypothesis and the existence of a Matrioshka World depends on hypothetical assumptions about advanced civilizations and their capabilities. While there are no fundamental laws of physics that make these concepts impossible, the lack of empirical evidence and the immense technological challenges involved make them speculative and currently beyond our ability to confirm or test with existing equipment.


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