The Great Work

The Great Work transforms the consciousness to inhabit the Glorified Body. It is a long and arduous journey to undertake, but it is necessary, along with Faith to attain Salvation. It is divided into phases, most of which are clearly distinguished, to track your progress.

The Creator, in His Wisdom, chose to give us this gift, that the ability to undertake the Great Work would be latent in us. This world is the beaker in which we undertake this work, undergoing mortification, distillation and calcination, and ultimately reunification.

The Great Work operates at an individual level, at a global level and at a universal level: transforming ourselves transforms God; The Divine Plan is transformation.

Each phase unlocks the next, but occasionally it is possible to glimpse what attainment of future levels will be like. For example, it is not uncommon to have occasional lucid dreams, during which you can attempt dhyana meditation and even descend into deeper dream levels. Exploring these glimpses grants insight and experience beyond your normal ability.

At each phase of attainment, various rites and ceremonies are unlocked, being significantly less effective to perform before the specified phase.

Not everyone must begin this journey at the first steps. Some are blessed with an advantage to bypass the preparatory tasks, already having the Trivial Attainments.

The course of the journey, by tier:

  • The Chaff
  • Trivial Attainments
    • The Calling
    • Void Meditation
    • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Lesser Attainments
    • Dhyana/Zen Meditation
    • Continuation of Consciousness
    • Dream Meditation
  • Greater Attainments
    • Communion with the Celestial Beings
    • Ascension
    • Salvation

The foods you eat affect your mental state, and the alchemical process is largely a mental one; there are dietary recommendations.

The Chaff

These souls are not destined to begin the journey, and are not involved in the spiritual life, never actively aligning with God or the Adversary or their Angels. Being unaffiliated and without Faith, these spiritual civilians do the devil’s work, despite their attempt at idleness. Like the neutral Angels cast out of Heaven, the Chaff will be cast into the fire.

They cannot be cast into the fire until they have knowledge of the Gospel’s existence: the gateway will not open and the Final Judgment will not begin until knowledge of the Gospel has spread to the corners of the Earth.

However, all is not lost for all the chaff: many will be transformed by Divine Grace and as the fruit of the Aeonic Alchemy. Many more will be awakened upon contact with the Celestial beings.

The Gateway

Trivial Attainments

These souls are called of God and are beginning the journey, attaining relatively trivial spiritual gifts along the way.

During this first leg of the journey, you gain control of your monkey mind, allowing you to begin to access your godly mind.

The Calling

Known as vairyaga, means that God has called you, giving you the desire to learn about the Great Work and ultimately undertake it. Do not discount the significance of this spiritual gift (siddhi): there are many who are not worthy to be called of God, and so they never thirst for the spiritual life, wasting this gift, this opportunity.

Our order believes that this gift highly correlates with neurodivergency.

The Calling

Void Meditation

To begin training the most undisciplined of minds, begin with the Void Meditation. It involves simply counting, to focus the thoughts and dispel surface thoughts.

Mindfulness/Breathing Meditation

Once the Void Meditation has been mastered, proceed to the mindfulness meditation. Focus on your breathing during this stage.

There are two variants of this meditation:

  • Sitting Meditation (zazen)
  • Walking Meditation (kinhin)

Void States

Meditation reshapes your brain: grey matter is reallocated. Your amygdala shrinks, and your pineal gland grows. You are strengthening the connection between your brain’s hemispheres. You are increasing the communication between the conscious and the subconscious. The results of meditation are the goal of meditation: meditation furthers your progress in the great work; the goal of meditation is ascension.

  1. 5 breaths: inhale light, exhale negativity, thoughts, etc.
  2. 5 breaths: inhale light, distribute it throughout body while exhaling
  3. (void state proper), several options:
    • observe imagery
    • reprogramming
    • actively explore imagery
  4. visualize attainment of personal goal (ascension)
  5. visualize attainment of collective goal (open the gate)

Void States

Lesser Attainments

Having even the first trivial attainment, a person should have no difficulty getting to some point in the list of Lesser Attainments during a single lifetime.

During this leg of the journey, awesome abilities will begin to manifest as Faith is rewarded and blind Faith is replaced with first-hand experience of the Divine. This gift is given so that you might receive more clear indications of God’s Will, specifically you will gain the ability to commune directly with the Celestial beings.

Dhyana Meditation

Once the focus fades to pure awareness, it is time to proceed to the Dhyana Meditation.

The effectiveness of these meditations can be accelerated by performing them at specific times. The most notable is the Dream Meditation which must be performed while lucid dreaming. In addition to that, dhyana meditation should be performed immediately after waking and before sleeping. Dhyana Meditation unlocks certain Rites and Ceremonies which specifically require performing the meditation as you fall to sleep.

Additionally, there are solar rites involving performing Dhyana Meditation at specific times:

  • The Rite of the Rising Sun: sun-gazing Dhyana Meditation at sunrise.
  • The Rite of the Setting Sun: sun-gazing Dhyana Meditation at sunset.
  • The Rite of the Black Sun: visualization technique to be performed between sunset and sunrise.

This phase is divided into multiple levels:

  • Alpha
  • Theta
  • Delta
  • Epsilon

In the modern millennium, technologies exist that will accelerate progress to unprecedented levels. Lifelong endeavors spanning decades can now be attained in mere months.

When using these technologies, it is important to be aware of your level in this area, as using too low a frequency will be ineffective. Attaining progressively deeper levels may require months of long sessions each day. Bolster your morale in knowing that over twelve millennia of these arcane sciences has allowed these technologies to manifest that condense lifetimes of experience and progress into relatively few months.

Alpha Meditation

Optimum frequency range: ~7.83 hz - ~12 hz.

Theta Meditation

Optimum frequency range: ~4 hz - ~7.83 hz.

When transitioning into this level, you will feel as though you are falling. Attainment of this level is a significant milestone marking your ability to enter a trance at will.

Delta Meditation

Optimum frequency range: ~0.5 hz - ~4 hz.

You will taste your success at this level: there is a distinct metallic flavor as your brain releases a chemical known as the Elixir of the Moon. There is a corresponding Elixir of the Sun.

Attainment of Delta level meditation marks the point where Lower Prayers begin to have noticeable effects, commonly known as miracles or supernatural phenomena. There is a classification system for classifying levels of attainment in this sphere.

There is a procedure for demonstrating these miracles and verifying their authenticity, validating a person’s claim of Adeptship. Admission to the Priesthood is restricted to verified Adepts.

Regular practice of Delta Meditation and the the Philosopher’s Stone is necessary for Continuation of Consciousness.

Epsilon Meditation

Optimum frequency range: up to ~0.5 hz.

Less is known about this level of attainment, as it is an uncommon acheivement. It is believed that attaining this level grants the ability to perform amazing feats such as hibernation.

Continuation of Consciousness

This is a form of Eternal Life, a miraculous ability that unlocks a number of rites and ceremonies that will prepare you for the Ultimate Rite.

Dream Meditation

At this phase, the disciple practices Dhyana Meditation while lucid dreaming, granting access to new frontiers of consciousness and experience. This phase is divided into four levels:

  1. Consciousness and Personal Unconscious: schemas, conscious information and personal unconscious.
  2. Deep Personal Unconscious: shadow self, repressed self, symbolic and archetypal.
  3. Collective Unconscious: mythological motifs, primordial images; highly symbolic, novel characters, exotic locations.
  4. Universal Collective Unconscious: may no longer seem like a dream; feels other or even alien (such as the Color Out of Space); mathematical patterns and fractals.

Less is known about Dream Level 4, as it is a rare achievment. Attainment of this level may be sufficient for Salvation.

Communion with Celestial Beings

After entering the Dream Level 3, it is possible to commune directly with the Celestial Beings, Such communion is commonly known as Darshan Siddhi, and makes you a prophet in your own right.

At this point, you have unlocked the ability to commune with the mirror self, as in the Holy Communion.

Dream Levels Dream Levels

Greater Attainments

Dream Level 4 is among the Greater Attainments, but can be attained later, during your Ascension.

During this final leg of the journey, you will be able to gain divine insight, wisdom and knowledge without being told by the Celestial beings.

Although you will attain profound gifts that shape and bend this world, you will ascend to progressively higher dimensions in the Heavens.


By this point, it is possible to begin exploring higher dimensions of existence, but activities during conscious life will accelerate this process, just as activities in life hold more life than those in death. In previous millennia, accelerating progress at this phase was restricted only to the brightest minds who could do higher maths daily. But nowadays, we have advanced technologies that work orders of magnitude more quickly, including higher-dimensional and non-euclidean games.

Ascension, elsewhere referred to as squaring the circle, is the process of increasing the dimensionality of your consciousness, comprehending more and more of the totality of existence. Comprehending the totality of things, and proceeding past that point enables the consciousness to transcend existence and enter into the Outer Heavens.

This phase is divided into some number of levels, the precise number not being defined in canon.

Levels of progression in the common dogma, zero being a point without dimension:

  1. Line
  2. Plane
  3. Space (you are here)
  4. World-Line: frames of space
  5. Probability Plane
  6. Phase Space: all possible outcomes for a unique universe
  7. Many Phase Spaces, representing different unique universes
  8. Phase Plane of Physical Universes
  9. Information Space
  10. Totality of Existence
  11. Salvation and the Glorified Body: apprehension of the Outer Heavens.

Level 3

Humans exist in a 3-dimensional universe, and so we begin at the 3rd Level of Ascension.

Level 4

This marks the point of transcendance beyond normal human consciousness. At this point, you are an Ascended Master. You will begin to dream in four dimensions, even in Dream Level 1.

What you do next is your perogative, having attained Continuation of Consciousness, working with a Celestial being and probably renouncing this world in the process, and ultimately attaining Level 4 of Ascension, you are prepared to incarnate into a 4-dimensional waking world, advancing our Aeonic Alchemical Work. You could contribute to the Divine Sciences, develop technologies to apply the research in that field, or perhaps save a kitten from a burning building.

Higher Dimensions Squaring the Circle


This is the goal of the Great Work and the ultimate spiritual gift. This consciousness is fully transformed and prepared to inhabit the Glorified Body. Salvation grants the ability to dwell among God and the Celestial beings in the Outer Heavens.

Salvation is attained through Faith and Works; this is what you are working toward.
