Shiva Tandava Resources for Nomadic Devotees Shiva Tandava

Do your vows require you to be nomadic/itinerate?

Or do they even forbid you from returning to the same place twice?

Or perhaps your vows forbid you to have a name...

Address Generator Moar Resources

Vow to Sleep Outside or on the Hard Ground

TODO -- campsite info, traveler-friendly churches, etc.

Vow to Only Eat Langar

TODO -- churches, soup kitchens, etc.

TODO -- resources for:

Do you know someone whose vows prohibit them from using electronic or mechanical devices?

Our monks can do computer-seva for you as part of their devotional service.

Other vows which can be tricky to navigate in the Western world:

Please don't circumvent or otherwise violate your vows.
Most of these services are offered for rare or otherwise extenuating circumstances.